An area for FPGA compilation installers (Vivado/Quartus)


Do you have somewhere that we can get the latest versions of installers apart from the vendor websites? They can be very slow to download sometimes and are very large. It would be nice if somewhere existed already at CERN.


Hi Karol,

I use the CCE docker builds on my ubuntu 24.04 workstation.
I find them very handy to use on on modern Linux workstation.


Interesting. Didn’t know that existed. I wonder if it works with distrobox. It’s a bit more desktop friendly than docker. Thanks for the tip!

If you look inside the repository, you can also find the actual path where the installation files are. Adrian Byszuk saved them in his cernbox area. For instance: Sign in to CERN

You can find some tools also in the PaRC project on afs. So if you have afs mounted you should be able to use them.

Some installers are available also from Engineering Tools @ EOS.
here is the path /eos/project-e/engtools/public/installation_sources

here the docs