Collaboration with Bell Labs on an algorithm deployment

Hi all,

I am new to FDF but I find it very useful to connect with you. I come from a theory/computational background and have been working on developing new algorithms for HEP or otherwise. Now I am a research scientist at Bell Labs based in Cambridge UK and look to find a collaborator to deploy an algorithm on FPGA that has many use cases. I’d be happy to explain it to you in more details, so feel free to match my schedule to yours to find a time to chat: Outlook

Th gist of the idea is that it can speed-up the time to solution for say event reconstruction or similar types of problems to O(log(N)) time complexity.
The algorithm also already has been implemented in C, so probably an HLS approach would work.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Is that algorithm in an opensource repository somewhere we can look at it?

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I haven’t seen it elsewhere publicly mainly because we have developed it internally at Bell Labs. I can maybe explain it to you in a call if you want. It’s very simple and very much similar to deploying RK45 differential equation solver on FPGA.